Bien qu’ils ne soient pas stricto sensu membres du laboratoire, nous avons inclus dans cette liste certaines publications des Pr D Riethmuller et JJ Baldauf, référents nationaux pour les pathologies du col de l’utérus et la vaccination contre les HPV, certaines publications du Pr F Aubin, un des référents nationaux pour les pathologies cutanées associées aux HPV, et du Dr AS Woronoff, directrice du Registre des Tumeurs du Doubs et du Territoire de Belfort.
L’activité au sein de notre réseau de ces quatre référents est essentielle pour la bonne harmonisation des pratiques cliniques et de laboratoire et pour la reconnaissance de notre activité de recherche.
• Arbyn M, Cuschieri K, Bonde J, Schuurman R, Cocuzza C, Vandenbroeck D, Zhao F, Rezhake R, Gultekin M, De Sanjosé S, Canfell K, Hawkes D, Saville M, Hillemanns P, Dillner J, Meijer C, Berkhof J, Prétet JL, Gheit T, Clifford G, Basu P, Almonte M, Wentzensen N; Poljak M. Criteria for second generation comparator tests in validation of novel HPV DNA tests for use in cervical cancer screening. J Med Virol. 2024, 96(9):e29881
• Jacquin E, Saunier M, Lepiller Q, Monnien F, Mauny F, Ramanah R, Carcopino X, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL. The level of expression of HPV16 early transcripts is not associated with the natural history of cervical lesions. J Med Virol. 2024,96(9):e29875.
• Arango-Franco C, Ogishi M, Unger S, …, Prétet JL, …, Casanova JL, Puel A. IL-7-dependent and -independent lineages of IL-7R-dependent human T cells. J Clin Invest. 2024;134(19):e180251.
• Prétet JL, Baraquin A, Chung PYJ, Puget L, Dhillon SK, Tkachenkad Y, Jacquot K, Lepiller Q, Vanden Broeck D, Arbyn. The Sansure® Human Papillomavirus DNA Diagnostic Kit offers excellent reproducibility performance for the detection high-risk HPV. J Med Virol. 2024, 96(10):e29961.
• Chung PYJ, Dhillon SK, Brunier A, Tkachenka Y, Jacquot K, Prétet JL, Vanden Broeckc D, Arbyn M. Completing the international validation status of the AmpFire® HPV Screening 16/18/HR assay. J Med Virol, 2024, Jun;96(6):e29688. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29688.
• Momenilandi M, Lévy R, Sobrino S, Li J, Lagresle-Peyrou C, Esmaeilzadeh H, Fayand A, Le Floc’h C, Guérin A, Mina ED, Shearer D, Delmonte OM, Yatim A, Mulder K, Mancini M, Rinchai D, Denis A, Neehus AL, Balogh K, Brendle S, Rokni-Zadeh H, Changi-Ashtiani M, Seeleuthner Y, Deswarte C, Bessot B, Cremades C, Materna M, Cederholm A, Ogishi M, Philippot Q, Beganovic O, Ackermann M, Wuyts M, Khan T, Fouéré S, Herms F, Chanal J, Palterer B, Bruneau J, Molina TJ, Leclerc-Mercier S, Prétet JL, Youssefian L, Vahidnezhad H, Parvaneh N, Claeys KG, Schrijvers R, Luka M, Pérot P, Fourgeaud J, Nourrisson C, Poirier P, Jouanguy E, Boisson-Dupuis S, Bustamante J, Notarangelo LD, Christensen N, Landegren N, Abel L, Marr N, Six E, Langlais D, Waterboer T, Ginhoux F, Ma CS, Tangye SG, Meyts I, Lachmann N, Hu J, Shahrooei M, Bossuyt X, Casanova JL, Béziat V. FLT3L governs the development of partially overlapping hematopoietic lineages in humans and mice. Cell. 2024, May 23;187(11):2817-2837.e31. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.04.009
• Prétet JL, Arroyo Mühr LS, Cuschieri K, Fellner MD, Correa RM, Picconi MA, Garland SM, Murray GL, Molano M, Peeters M, Van Gucht S, Lambrecht C, Broeck DV, Padalko E, Arbyn M, Lepiller Q, Brunier A, Silling S, Søreng K, Christiansen IK, Poljak M, Lagheden C, Yilmaz E, Eklund C, Thapa HR, Querec TD, Unger ER, Dillner J. Human papillomavirus negative high grade cervical lesions and cancers: Suggested guidance for HPV testing quality assurance. J Clin Virol. 2024 Apr;171:105657. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2024.105657.
• Mougin C, The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté HPV Consortium: a local network to increase HPV awareness and vaccine coverage. 2024 Mar; 263.
• Dahes S, Damerval M, Bataillard T, Lepiller Q, Nerich V. Knowledge and perceptions of French community pharmacists and pharmacy students about the papillomavirus vaccine. Infect Dis Now. 2024 Feb;54(1):104796. doi: 10.1016/j.idnow.2023.104796.
• Node J, Dor F, Puget L, Ramanah R, Cot S, Bibeau F, Di Domizio N, Prétet JL, Lepiller Q. Prevalence and significance of HPV DNA detection below the clinical threshold of the commercial kit Alinity m HR-HPV assay (Abbott). J Med Virol. 2024 Feb;96(2):e29465. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29465.
• Prétet JL, Touzé A, Pazart L, Boiteux G, Fournier V, Vidal C, Arnold F, Ducloux D, Lepiller Q, Mougin C. Anogenital distribution of mucosal HPV in males and females before and after renal transplantation. Infect Dis Now. 2024 Feb;54(1):104830. doi: 10.1016/j.idnow.2023.104830.
• Spindler L, Etienney I, Abramowitz L, de Parades V, Pigot F, Siproudhis L, Adam J, Balzano V, Bouchard D, Bouta N, Bucau M, Carlo A, Chanal J, Charpentier C, Clifford G, Draullette M, Fathallah N, Ferré V, Fléjou JF, Fouéré S, Higuero T, Kassouri L, Kurt S, Laurain A, Leclerc E, Lepiller Q, Lesage AC, Mège D, Ménard A, Merle P, Mortreux P, Noël C, Péré H, Prétet JL, Roland D, Staumont G, Tracanelli L, Vuitton L, Wylomanski S, Zaegel-Faucher O; Société Nationale Française de Colo-Proctologie. Screening for precancerous anal lesions linked to human papillomaviruses: French recommendations for clinical practice. Tech Coloproctol. 2024 Jan;28(1):23. doi: 10.1007/s10151-023-02899-8.
• Koussouri A, Baraquin A, Desmarets M, Diallo K, Puget L, Lepiller Q, Prétet JL. Comparison of high-risk HPV detection by the AmpFire® HPV Screening 16/18/HR technique (Atila Biosystems) and the hybrid capture 2 test (Qiagen). Mol Biol Rep. 2024 Jan;51(1):52. doi: 10.1007/s11033-023-08939-8.
• Prétet JL, Baraquin A, Barret AS, Bercot B, Rahib D, Lydié N, Pépin-Puget L, Lepiller Q. Anal and oropharyngeal HPV distribution in HIV-negative multipartner MSM using self-sampling kits for HIV and sexually transmitted infection screening. J Med Virol. 2023 Sep;95(9):e29068. doi: 10.1002/jmv.29068.
• Waheed DE, Olivier CW, Riethmuller D, Franco EL, Prétet JL, Baay M, Munoz N, Vorsters A. Prevention and control of HPV and HPV-related cancers in France: the evolving landscape and the way forward – a meeting report. BMC Proc. 2023 Aug 3;17(Suppl 11):18. doi: 10.1186/s12919-023-00271-0.
• Viguier M, Pérals C, Poirier B, Battistella M, Aubin F, Bachelez H, Prétet JL, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Touzé A, Gougeon ML, Fazilleau N. Human papilloma virus-16-specific CD8+ T-cell expansions characterize different clinical forms of lichen planus and not lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. Exp Dermatol. 2023 Jun;32(6):859-868. doi: 10.1111/exd.14788.
• Trétarre B, Dantony E, Coureau G, Defossez G, Guizard AV, Delafosse P, Daubisse L, Velten M, Karima Hammas, Barra S, Lapotre B, Plouvier S, d’Almeida T, Molinié F, Woronoff AS. Trends in incidence of invasive vaginal cancer in France from 1990 to 2018 and survival of recently diagnosed women – A population-based study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2023 Apr;283:125-129. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2023.02.003.
• Debernardi A, Meurisse A, Prétet JL, Guenat D, Monnien F, Spehner L, Vienot A, Roncarati P, André T, Abramowitz L, Molimard C, Mougin C, Herfs M, Kim S, Borg C. Prognostic role of HPV integration status and molecular profile in advanced anal carcinoma: An ancillary study to the epitopes-HPV02 trial. Front Oncol. 2022 Oct 14;12:941676. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.941676.
• Debernardi A, Valot B, Almarcha J, Guenat D, Hocquet D, Algros MP, Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Lepiller Q. Longitudinal follow-up of HPV16 sequence after cervical infection: Low intrahost variation and no correlation with clinical evolution. J Med Virol. 2022 Jul 7. doi: 10.1002/jmv.27978.
• Culié D, Rousseau A, Prétet JL, Lacau Saint Guily J. HPV status and therapeutic initial strategy impact on survival and oncologic outcomes: 5-year results from the multicentric prospective cohort of oropharyngeal cancers Papillophar. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 2022 Jun; 279(6): 3071-3078. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-07117-5.
• Compaoré ZC, Monnet E, Gérazime A, Molinié F, Guizard AV, Delafosse P, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Coureau G, Hammas K, Plouvier S, Bara S, Défossez G, Lapôtre-Ledoux B, Daubisse-Marliac L, d’Almeida T, Launoy G, Mansi L, Trétarre B, Woronoff AS. To what extent do age, stage and treatment influence survival after invasive cervical cancer: a French population-based study. Cancer Causes Control. 2022 Mar;33(3):403-415. doi: 10.1007/s10552-021-01536-9.
• Prétet JL, Dalstein V, Touzé A, Beby-Defaux A, Soussan P, Jacquin É, Birembaut P, Clavel C, Mougin C, Rousseau A, Lacau Saint Guily J; Papillophar Study Group. High levels of HPV16-L1 antibody but not HPV16 DNA load or integration predict oropharyngeal patient outcome: The Papillophar study. Clin Exp Med. 2022 Feb. doi: 10.1007/s10238-022-00796-2. Online ahead of print.
• Debernardi A, Jarassier W, Soret C, Mougin C, Alizon S, Bravo IG, Guenat D, Prétet JL, Lepiller Q. Repurposing the Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) screening test for HPV whole-genome sequencing. Arch Virol. 2021 Dec; 166(12): 3421-3425. doi: 10.1007/s00705-021-05259-9.
• Baumann A, Henriques J, Selmani Z, Meurisse A, Lepiller Q, Vernerey D, Valmary-Degano S, Paget-Bailly S, Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Mougin C, Prétet JL. HPV16 Load is a potential biomarker to predict risk of high-grade cervical lesions in high-risk HPV-infected women: a large longitudinal French hospital-based cohort study. Cancers, 2021, 13: 4149.
• Prétet JL, Baraquin A, Soret C, Rousselot J, Averous G, Fender M, Mougin C, Baldauf JJ. Successful retrieval of human papillomavirus DNA after a 4.5 year storage on FTA elute cards. J Virol Meth, 2021, 296: 114218.
• Béziat V, Rapaport F, Hu J, Titeux M, Bonnet des Claustres M, Bourgey M, Griffin H, Bandet É, Ma CS, Sherkat R, Rokni-Zadeh H, Louis DM, Changi-Ashtiani M, Delmonte OM, Fukushima T, Habib T, Guennoun A, Khan T, Bender N, Rahman M, About F, Yang R, Rao G, Rouzaud C, Li J, Shearer D, Balogh K, Al Ali F, Ata M, Dabiri S, Momenilandi M, Nammour J, Alyanakian MA, Leruez-Ville M, Guenat D, Materna M, Marcot L, Vladikine N, Soret C, Vahidnezhad H, Youssefian L, Saeidian AH, Uitto J, Catherinot É, Navabi SS, Zarhrate M, Woodley DT, Jeljeli M, Abraham T, Belkaya S, Lorenzo L, Rosain J, Bayat M, Lanternier F, Lortholary O, Zakavi F, Gros P, Orth G, Abel L, Prétet JL, Fraitag S, Jouanguy E, Davis MM, Tangye SG, Notarangelo LD, Marr N, Waterboer T, Langlais D, Doorbar J, Hovnanian A, Christensen N, Bossuyt X, Shahrooei M, Casanova JL. Humans with inherited T cell CD28 deficiency are susceptible to skin papillomaviruses but are otherwise healthy. Cell. 2021 Jul 8;184(14):3812-3828.e30. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.004.
• Molimard C, L’Huillier V, Overs A, Soret C, Algros MP, Mougin C, Guenat D, Mauvais O, Prétet JL. Human papillomavirus DNA and p16 expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young French patients. J Int Med Res. 2021 Jul;49(7):3000605211022534. doi: 10.1177/03000605211022534.
• Meznad K, Paget-Bailly P, Jacquin E, Peigney A, Aubin F, Guittaut M, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Baguet A. The exon junction complex core factor eIF4A3 is a key regulator of HPV16 gene expression. Biosci Rep. 2021 Apr 30;41(4):BSR20203488. doi: 10.1042/BSR20203488.
• Marty-Quinternet S, Puget L, Debernardi A, Aubry R, Magy-Bertrand N, Prétet JL, Chirouze C, Bouiller K, Lepiller Q. Electrostatic wipes as simple and reliable methods for influenza virus airborne detection. J Hosp Infect. 2021 Feb;108:15-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2020.10.030.
• Perrard J, Morel A, Meznad K, Paget-Bailly P, Dalstein V, Guenat D, Mourareau C, Clavel C, Fauconnet S, Baguet A, Mougin C, Pretet JL. DNA demethylation agent 5azadC downregulates HPV16 E6 expression in cervical cancer cell lines independently of TBX2 expression. Oncol Lett. 2020 Jan;19(1):1074-1081. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.11158.
• Bruyere D, Monnien F, Colpart P, Roncarati P, Vuitton L, Hendrick E, Lepinoy A, Luquain A, Pilard C, Lerho T, Molimard C, Maingon P, Arnould L, Bone-Lepinoy MC, Dusserre L, Martin L, Reynders C, Ancion M, Peiffert D, Leroux A, Hubert P, Delhorme JB, Ghnassia JP, Woronoff AS, Delvenne P, Prétet JL, Bosset JF, Peulen O, Mougin C, Valmary-Degano S, Herfs M. Treatment algorithm and prognostic factors for patients with stage I-III carcinoma of the anal canal: a 20-year multicenter study. Mod Pathol. 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41379-020-0637-6.
• Oswald E, Kirschberg M, Aubin F, Alonso A, Hufbauer M, Akgül B, Auvinen E. BetaHPV E6 and E7 colocalize with NuMa in dividing keratinocytes. Virus Genes. 2019; 55(5):600-609. doi: 10.1007/s11262-019-01685-9.
• Paget-Bailly P, Meznad K, Bruyère D, Perrard J, Herfs M, Jung AC, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Baguet A. Comparative RNA sequencing reveals that HPV16 E6 abrogates the effect of E6*I on ROS metabolism. Sci Rep. 2019; 9(1):5938. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-42393-6.
• Bernard-Tessier A, Jeannot E, Guenat D, Debernardi A, Michel M, Proudhon C, Vincent-Salomon A, Bièche I, Pierga JY, Buecher B, Meurisse A, François É, Cohen R, Jary M, Vendrely V, Samalin E, El Hajbi F, Baba-Hamed N, Borg C, Bidard FC, Kim S; Clinical Validity of HPV Circulating Tumor DNA in Advanced Anal Carcinoma: An Ancillary Study to the Epitopes-HPV02 Trial; Clin Cancer Res. 2019; 25(7):2109-2115. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-2984.
• Baldauf JJ, Fender M, Bergeron C, Marrer E, Velten M, Pradat P, Arbyn M; Cervical morbidity in Alsace, France: results from a regional organized cervical cancer screening program; Eur J Cancer Prev. 2019; 28(1):33-39. doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000415.
• Demarquet E, Mancini J, Preaubert L, Gondry J, Chevreau J, Lamblin G, Lebail K, Lavoué V, Pinsard M, Baldauf JJ, Bryand A, Henno S, Agostini A, Douvier S, Jarniat A, Riethmuller D, Mendel A, Brun JL, Rakotomahenina H, Carcopino X; Risk Factors of Post-Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone Recurrent High-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Lesion: A Prospective Cohort Study; J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2019; 23(1):18-23.
• Guenat D, Dalstein V, Mauny F, Saunier M, Briolat J, Clavel C, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL; Development and interlaboratory agreement of real-time PCR for HPV16 quantification in liquid-based cervical samples; Papillomavirus Res. 2018; 6:27-32. doi: 10.1016/j.pvr.2018.10.003.
• Belglaiaa E, Souho T, Badaoui L, Segondy M, Prétet JL, Guenat D, Mougin C; Awareness of cervical cancer among women attending an HIV treatment centre: a cross-sectional study from Morocco; BMJ Open. 2018; 0:e020343. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020343.
• Bretagne CH, Jooste V, Guenat D, Riethmuller D, Bouvier AM, Bedgedjian I, Prétet JL, Valmary-Degano S, Mougin C; Prevalence and distribution of HPV genotypes and cervical-associated lesions in sexually active young French women following HPV vaccine; J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2018; 47(10):525-531. doi: 10.1016/j.jogoh.2018.05.011.
• Herfs M, Roncarati P, Koopmansch B, Peulen O, Bruyere D, Lebeau A, Hendrick E, Hubert P, Poncin A, Penny W, Piazzon N, Monnien F, Guenat D, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Vuitton L, Segers K, Lambert F, Bours V, de Leval L, Valmary-Degano S, Quick CM, Crum CP, Delvenne P; A dualistic model of primary anal canal adenocarcinoma with distinct cellular origins, etiologies, inflammatory microenvironments and mutational signatures: implications for personalised medicine; Br J Cancer. 2018; 118(10):1302-1312. doi: 10.1038/s41416-018-0049-2.
• Petry KU, Bollaerts K, Bonanni P, Stanley M, Drury R, Joura E, Kjaer SK, Meijer CJLM, Riethmuller D, Soubeyrand B, Van Damme P, Bosch X; Estimation of the individual residual risk of cervical cancer after vaccination with the nonavalent HPV vaccine; Hum Vaccin Immunother; 2018 Mar 19:1-23
• Vuitton L, Jacquin E, Parmentier AL, Crochet E, Fein, E, Dupont-Gossart AC, Plastaras L, Bretagne CH, Mauny F, Koch S, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Valmary-Degano S; High Prevalence of Anal Canal High-risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Patients With Crohn’s Disease; Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol; 2018 Mar 15. pii: S1542-3565(18)30263-5
• Dutta S, Robitaille A, Aubin F, Fouéré S, Galicier L, Boutboul D, Luzi F, Di Bonito P, Tommasino M, Gheit T; Identification and characterization of two novel Gammapapillomavirus genomes in skin of an immunosuppressed Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis patient; Virus Res 2018; pii: S0168-1702(17)30898-5
• Carcopino X, Mancini J, Gondry J, Chevreau J, Lamblin G, Atallah A, Lavoue V, Caradec C, Baldauf JJ, Bryand A, Henno S, Agostini A, Douvier S, Jarniat A, Riethmuller D, Mendel A, Brun JL, Rakotomahenina A, Preaubert L. Risk Factors of Inadequate Colposcopy After Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2018; 22 (1):31-37
• Fouéré S, Aubin F, Péré H, Galicier L, Gheit T, Tommasino M, Ram Wolff C, Boutboul D, Bagot M. Epidermodysplasia verruciformis in an adult patient with a germline Interleukin-2 inducible T-Cell Kinase mutation and lymphoma: the case of inherited versus acquired. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2017; doi: 10.1111/jdv.14756
• Plissonnier ML, Fauconnet S, Bittard H, Mougin C, Rommelaere J, Lascombe I. Cell death and restoration of TRAIL-sensivity by ciglitazone in resistant cervical cancer cells. Oncotarget 2017; 8(64): 107744-107762
• Guenat D, Hermetet F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Exosomes and other extracellular vesicles in HPV transmission and carcinogenesis. Viruses 2017; 9(8). pii: E211
• Haelens A, Roche L, Bastos J, Woronoff AS, Zorzi M, Francart J, Grell Eurocare-5 working group. Trends in net survival from cervical cancer in six European Latin countries: results from the SUDCAN population-based study. Eur J Cancer Prev 2017; 26: S92-S99
• Lacau St Guilly J, Rousseau A, Baujat B, Périé S, Schultz P, Barry B, Dufour X, Malard O, Pretet JL, Clavel C, Birembaut P, Franceschi S. Oropharyngeal cancer prognosis by tumour HPV status in France: The multicentric Papillophar study. Oral Onco 2017; 67:29-36
• Lefevre M, Rousseau A, Rayon T, Dalstein V, Clavel C, Beby-Defaux A, Prétet JL, Soussan P, Polette M, Lacau Saint Guily J, Birembaut P; Papillophar Study Group. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition and HPV infection in squamous cell oropharyngeal carcinomas: the papillophar study. Br J Cancer 2017; 116: 362-369
• Moitry M, Jéqu J, Averous G, Velten M, Fender M, Akladios C, Baldauf JJ. Reporting reactive cellular changes on smears among women who undergo cervical cancer screening: results of a cohort study after seven years of follow-up. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2017; 216:232-238
• Morel A, Baguet A, Perrard J, Demeret C, Jacquin E, Guenat D, Mougin C, Prétet JL. 5azadC treatment upregulates miR-375 level and represses HPV16 E6 expression. Oncotarget 2017; 8(28):46163-46176
• Oswald E, Reinz E, Voit R, Aubin F, Alonso A, Auvinen E. Human papillomavirus type 8 E7 protein binds nuclear myosin 1c and downregulates the expression of pre-rRNA. Virus Genes 2017; 53(6):807-813
• Thiery A, Akladios C, Fender M, Severac F, Baldauf JJ. Excess cervical cancer screening smears: any benefit? A retrospective cohort in Alsace, France. J Med Screen 2017; 24(2):92-97
• Vuitton L, Jaillet C, Jacquin E, Monnien F, Heberle M, Mihai MI, Lassabe C, Raffoul J, Puyraveau M, Lakkis Z, Lamfichekh N, Picard A, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Valmary-Degano S. Human papillomaviruses in colorectal cancers: A case-control study in western patients. Dig Liver Dis 2017; 49: 446-450
• Guenat D, Launay S, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Validation of Novaprep® HQ+ liquid-based cytology medium for high-risk human papillomavirus detection by hc2. Infect Agents Cancer 2016; 11: 41
• Hermetet F, Jacquin E, Launay S, Gaiffe E, Couturier M, Hirchaud F, Sandoz P, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Efferocytosis of apoptotic human papillomavirus-positive cervical cancer cells by human primary fibroblasts. Biol Cell 2016; 108: 189-204
• Neumann F, Jégu J, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Guizard AV, Lapôtre-Ledoux B, Bara S, Bouvier V, Colonna M, Troussard X, Trétarre B, Grosclaude P, Velten M, Woronoff AS. Risk of second primary cancer after a first potentially-human papillomavirus-related cancer: A population-based study. Prev Med. 2016; 90: 52-58
2015 et années précédentes
• Akladios C, Lecointre L, Baulon E, Thoma V, Averous G, Fender M, Lefebvre F, Baldauf JJ. Reliability of endocervical curettage in the diagnosis of high-grade cervical neoplasia and cervical cancer in selected patients. Anticancer Res. 2015 Jul; 35(7): 4183-9
• Barth H, Morel A, Mougin C, Averous G, Legrain M, Fender M, Risch S, Fafi-Kremer S, Velten M, Oudet P, Baldauf JJ, Stoll-Keller F. Long-term storage and safe retrieval of human papillomavirus DNA using FTA elute cards. J Virol Methods 2016; 229: 60-65
• Bellaud G, Gheit T, Pugin A, Prétet JL, Tommasino M, Mougin C, Aubin F. Prevalence of human polyomavirus DNA in eyebrow hairs plucked from patients with psoriasis treated with TNF inhibitors. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2015; 29: 1019-1021
• Riethmuller D, Jacquard AC, Lacau St Guily J, Aubin F, Carcopino X, Pradat P, Dahlab A, Prétet JL. Potential impact of a nonavalent HPV vaccine on the occurrence of HPV-related diseases in France. BMC Public Health 2015; 15: 453
• Jégu J, Belot A, Borel C, Daubisse-Marliac L, Trétarre B, Ganry O, Guizard AV, Bara S, Troussard X, Bouvier V, Woronoff AS, Colonna M, Velten M. Effect of previous history of cancer on survival of patients with a second cancer of the head and neck. Oral Oncol 2015; 51: 457-463
• Viguier M, Bachelez H, Poirier B, Kagan J, Battistella M, Aubin F, Touzé A, Carmagnat M, Francès C, Gougeon ML, Fazilleau N. Peripheral and local human papillomavirus 16-specific CD8+ T-cell expansions characterize erosive oral lichen planus. J Invest Dermatol 2015; 135: 418-424
• Luquain A, Belglaiaa E, Guenat D, Vrecko S, Riethmuller D, Valmary-Degano S, Bedgedjian I, Chouham S, Prétet JL, Mougin C. High prevalence of abnormal cervical smears in underscreened French women beyond the upper age limit screening program. Prev Med 2015; 81: 157-162
• Belglaiaa E, El annaz H, Mouaouya B, Aksim M, Mercier M, Prétet JL, Chouham S, Mougin C. Human papillomavirus genotypes among women with or without HIV infection: An epidemiological study of Moroccan women from the Souss area. Infect Agents Cancer 2015; 10: 44
• Martin M, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Gil H, Meaux-Ruault N, Puzenat E, Ramanah R, Aubin F, Touzé A, Coursaget P, Jacquin E, Magy-Bertrand N. Screening of human papillomavirus infection in women with systemic sclerosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2014; 32(6 Suppl 86): S-145-148
• Roche E, Lascombe I, Bittard H, Mougin C, Fauconnet S. The PPARβ agonist L-165041 promotes VEGF mRNA stabilization in HPV18-harboring HeLa cells through a receptor-independent mechanism. Cell Signal 2014; 26: 433-443.
• Akladios C, Ronzino V, Schrot-Sanyan S, Afors K, Fernandes R, Baldauf JJ, Wattiez A. Comparison between trans-peritoneal and extra-peritoneal laparoscopic para-aortic lymphadenectomy in gynecologic malignancies. J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2014; S1553-4650(14)01474-5
• Prétet JL, Guenat D, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. New HPV16 viral biomarkers to understand the progression of cervical lesions towards cancer. Indian J Med Res 2014; 139: 487-489
• Baudu A, Prétet JL, Riethmuller D, Chotard M, Mougin C, Mercier M. Prevalence and risk factors of human papillomavirus infection types 16/18/45 in a cohort of French females aged 15-23 years. J Epidemiol Glob Health 2014; 4: 35-43
• Jégu J, Colonna M, Daubisse-Marliac L, Trétarre B, Ganry O, Guizard AV, Bara S, Troussard X, Bouvier V, Woronoff AS, Velten M. The effect of patient characteristics on second primary cancer risk in France. BMC Cancer 2014; 14: 94
• Hirchaud F, Hermetet F, Ablise M, Fauconnet S, Vuitton DA, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Isoliquiritigenin induces caspase-dependent apoptosis via downregulation of HPV16 E6 expression in cervical cancer Ca Ski cells. Planta Med 2013; 79: 1628-1635
• Le Borgne G, Mercier M, Woronoff AS, Guizard AV, Abeilard E, Caravati-Jouvenceaux A, Klein D, Velten M, Joly F. Quality of life in long-term cervical cancer survivors: a population-based study. Gynecol Oncol 2013; 129: 222-228
• Valmary-Degano S, Jacquin E, Prétet JL, Monnien F, Girardo B, Arbez-Gindre F, Joly M, Bosset JF, Kantelip B, Mougin C. Signature patterns of human papillomavirus type 16 in invasive anal carcinoma. Hum Pathol 2013; 44: 992-1002.
• Li J, Bonifati S, Hristov G, Marttila T, Valmary-Degano S, Stanzel S, Schnölzer M, Mougin C, Aprahamian M, Grekova SP, Raykov Z, Rommelaere J, Marchini A. Synergistic combination of valproic acid and oncolytic parvovirus H-1PV as a potential therapy against cervical and pancreatic carcinomas. EMBO Mol Med 2013; 5: 1537-1555
• Jacquin E, Saunier M, Mauny F, Schwarz E, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Real-time duplex PCR for simultaneous HPV 16 and HPV 18 DNA quantitation. J Virol Methods 2013; 193: 498-502
• Jacquin E, Baraquin A, Ramanah R, Carcopino X, Morel A, Valmary-Degano S, Bravo IG, de Sanjosé S, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Type 16 CpG sites at E2-binding site 1 (E2BS1), E2BS2, and the Sp1-binding site in cervical cancer samples as determined by high-resolution melting analysis-PCR. J Clin Microbiol 2013; 51: 3207-3215
• Kim S, Jary M, Mansi L, Benzidane B, Cazorla A, Demarchi M, Nguyen T, Kaliski A, Delabrousse E, Bonnetain F, Letondal P, Bosset JF, Valmary-Degano S, Borg C. DCF (docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) chemotherapy is a promising treatment for recurrent advanced squamous cell anal carcinoma. Ann Oncol 2013; 24: 3045-3050
• Viennet C, Gheit T, Muret P, Aubin F, Cabou J, Marchal A, Tommasino M, Humbert P. Assessment of the efficacy of a new formulation for plantar wart mummification: new experimental design and human papillomavirus identification. Clin Exp Dermatol 2013; 38: 85-88
• Penso-Assathiany D, Gheit T, Prétet JL, Aubin A, Tommasino M, Mougin C, Braun R, Chosidow O, Aubin F. Presence and persistence of human papillomavirus types 1, 2, 3, 4, 27, and 57 on dermoscope before and after examination of plantar warts and after cleaning. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013; 68: 185-186
• Aubin F, Gheit T, Prétet JL, Tommasino M, Mougin C. Effect of Infliximab on the UVB-Induced Apoptosis of Keratinocytes Infected by HPV38 E6/E7. ISRN Dermatol 2013; 2013: 907189.
• Gaiffe E, Prétet JL, Launay S, Jacquin E, Saunier M, Hetzel G, Oudet P, Mougin C. Apoptotic HPV positive cancer cells exhibit transforming properties. PLoS One 2012; 7(5):e36766
• Prétet JL, Mercier M, Riethmuller D, Aubin F, Vuitton D, Mougin C. Human papillomavirus and cardiovascular disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 60: 81-82
• Abramowitz L, Jacquard AC, Jaroud F, Haesebaert J, Siproudhis L, Pradat P, Aynaud O, Leocmach Y, Soubeyrand B, Dachez R, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Denis F. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in anal cancer in France: The EDiTH V study. Int J Cancer 2011; 129:433-9
• Lacau St Guily J, Clavel C, Okais C, Prétet JL, Beby-Defaux A, Agius G, Birembaut P, Jacquard AC, Leocmach Y, Soubeyrand B, Riethmuller D, Denis F, Mougin C. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in tonsil cancers. Head Neck Oncol 2011; 07: 1-6
• Aubin F, Martin M, Puzenat E, Magy-Bertrand N, Segondy M, Riethmuller D, Wendling D. Genital human Papillomavirus infection in patients with autoimmune inflammatory diseases. Joint Bone Spine 2011; 78: 460-465
• Guerrini JS, Bouvard V, Oswald E, Alonso A, Prétet JL, Tommasino M, Mougin C, Aubin F. E6 and E7 proteins from different beta-papillomaviruses types do not interfere in UVB-induced apoptosis of HaCaT keratinocytes. Exp Dermatol 2011; 20: 71-73
• St Guily JL, Jacquard AC, Prétet JL, Haesebaert J, Beby-Defaux A, Clavel C, Agius G, Birembaut P, Okaïs C, Léocmach Y, Soubeyrand B, Pradat P, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Denis F. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in oropharynx and oral cavity cancer in France-The EDiTH VI study. J Clin Virol 2011; 51: 100-104
• St Guily JL, Clavel C, Okaïs C, Prétet JL, Beby-Defaux A, Agius G, Birembaut P, Jacquard AC, Léocmach Y, Soubeyrand B, Riethmuller D, Denis F, Mougin C. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in tonsil cancers. Head Neck Oncol 2011; 3: 6
• Abramowitz L, Jacquard AC, Jaroud F, Haesebaert J, Siproudhis L, Pradat P, Aynaud O, Leocmach Y, Soubeyrand B, Dachez R, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Denis F. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in anal cancer in France: the EDiTH V study. Int J Cancer 2011; 129: 433-439
• Brun JL, Dalstein V, Leveque J, Mathevet P, Raulic P, Baldauf JJ, Scholl S, Huynh B, Douvier S, Riethmuller D, Clavel C, Birembaut P, Calenda V, Baudin M, Bory JP. Regression of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia with TG4001 targeted immunotherapy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011; 204: 169
• Aubin F, Gheit T, Prétet JL, Tommasino M, Mougin C, Chosidow O. Presence and persistence of human papillomavirus types 1, 2 and 4 on emery boards after scraping off plantar warts. J Am Acad Dermatol 2010; 62: 151-153
• Galeano-Zea JA, Sandoz P, Gaiffe E, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Pseudo-periodic encryption of extended 2D surfaces for high accurate recovery of any random zone by vision. Int J Optomechatronics 2010; 4: 65-82
• Biver-Dalle C, Gheit T, Drobacheff-Thiebaut C, Vidal C, Tommasino M, Humbert P, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Aubin F. Human papillomavirus in plucked eyebrow hairs of HIV patients: an analysis of 25 genus-bêta, genus-alpha et 6 genus gamma-types. J Invest Dermatol 2010; 130: 2499-2502
• Prétet JL, Vidal C, Le Bail Carval K, Ramanah R, Carcopino X, Cartier I, Labouyrie E, Kantelip B, Coumes-Marquet S, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. Novaprep® Vial Test is a suitable liquid based-cytology medium for high risk human papillomavirus testing by Hybrid Capture 2. J Clin Virol 2010; 49: 286-289
• Decrion-Barthod AZ, Bosset M, Plissonnier ML, Marchini A, Nicolier M, Launay S, Prétet JL, Rommelaere J, Mougin C. Histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate with protein kinase inhibitor UCN-01 has marked in in vitro and in vivo antitumour activity against cervical cancer cells. Anticancer Res 2010; 30: 4049-4061
• Dalstein V, Merlin S, Bali C, Saunier M, Dachez R, Ronsin C. Analytical evaluation of the PapilloCheck test, a new commercial DNA chip for detection and genotyping of human papillomavirus. J Virol Methods 2009; 156: 77-83
• Nicolier M, Decrion-Barthod AZ, Launay S, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Spatiotemporal activation of caspase-dependent and –independent pathways in staurosporine-induced apoptosis of p53wt and p53mt human cervical carcinoma cells. Biol Cell 2009; 101: 455-467
• Saiag P, Bauhofer A, Bouscarat F, Aquilina C, Ortonne JP, Dupin N, Mougin C. Imiquimod 5 % cream for external genital or perianal warts in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy: an open label, noncomparative study. Br J Dermatol 2009; 161: 904-909
• Klug S, Ressing M, Koenig J, Abba MC, Agorastos T, Brenna SM, Ciotto M, Das BR, Del Mistro A, Dybikowska A, Giuliano AR, Gudleviciene Z, Gyllensten U, Haws AL, Helland A, Herrington CS, Hildesheim A, Humbey O*, Jee SH, Kim JW, Madeleine MM, Menczer J, Ngan HY, Nishikawa A, Niwa Y, Pegoraro R, Pillai MR, Ranzani G, Rezza G, Rosenthal AN, Roychoudhury S, Saranath D, Schmitt VM, Sengupta S, Settheetham-Ishida W, Shirasawa H, Snijders PJ, Stoler MH, Suarez-Rincon AE, Szarka K, Tachezy R, Ueda M, Van Der Zee AG, Von Knebel Doeberitz M, Wu MT, Yamashita T, Zehbe I, Blettner M. TP53 codon 72 polymorphism and cervical cancer: pooled analysis of individual data from 49 studies. Lancet Oncol 2009; 10: 772-784 (*PhD EA3181)
• Ruer JB, Pépin L, Gheit T, Vidal C, Kantelip B, Tommasino M, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Aubin F. Detection of alpha- and beta-human papillomavirus (HPV) in cutaneous melanoma: a matched and controlled study using specific multiplex PCR combined with DNA microarray primer extension. Exp Dermatol 2009; 18: 857-862
• Mo LZ, Monnier-Benoit S, Kantelip B, Petitjean A, Riethmuller D, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Comparison of AMPLICOR and Hybrid Capture II assays for high risk-HPV detection in normal and abnormal liquid-based cytology: use of INNO-LiPA Genotyping assay to screen the discordant results. J Clin Virol 2008 41: 104-110
• Prétet JL, Jacquard AC, Carcopino X, Monnier-Benoit S, Averous G, Soubeyrand B, Leocmach Y, Mougin C, Riethmuller D, for the EDITH study group. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution in high grade cervical lesions (CIN 2/3) in France. (EDITH* study). Int J Cancer 2008, 122: 424-427
• Prétet JL, Jacquard AC, Carcopino X, Charlot JF, Bouhour D, Kantelip B, Soubeyrand B, Leocmach Y, Mougin C, Riethmuller D, for the EDITH study group. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution in invasive cervical cancers in France. (EDITH* study). Int J Cancer 2008, 122: 428-432
• Colonna M, Danzon A, Delafosse P, Mitton N, Bara S, Bouvier AM, Ganry O, Guizard AV, Launoy G, Molinie F, Sauleau EA, Schvartz C, Velten M, Grosclaude P, Tretarre B. Cancer prevalence in France: Time trend, situation in 2002; and extrapolation to 2012. Eur J Cancer 2008; 44: 115-122
• Prétet JL, Jacquard AC, Saunier M, Clavel C, Dachez R, Gondry J, Pradat P, Soubeyrand B, Leocmach Y, Mougin C, Riethmuller D, for the EDiTH study group. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in France and comparison with CIN2/3 and invasive cervical cancer: the EDiTH III study. Gynecol Oncol 2008 110: 179-184
• Aubin F, Prétet JL, Jacquard AC, Saunier M, Carcopino X, Jaroud F, Pradat P, Soubeyrand B, Leocmach Y, Mougin C, Riethmuller D, for EDiTH study group. Human papillomavirus genotype distribution in external acuminata condylomata: a Large French National Study (EDiTH IV). Clin Infect Dis 2008 ; 47: 610-615
• Saunier M, Monnier-Benoit S, Mauny F, Dalstein V, Briolat J, Riethmuller D, Kantelip B, Schwarz E, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Analysis of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) DNA load and physical state for identification of HPV16 -infected women with high-grade lesions or cervical carcinoma. J Clin Microbiol 2008; 46: 3678-3685
• Lu XM, Monnier-Benoit S, Mo LZ, Xu SY, Prétet JL, Liu Z, Vuitton DA, Mougin C. Human papillomavirus in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma of the high-risk Kazakh ethnic group in Xinjiang, China. Eur J Surg Oncol 2008; 34: 765-770
• Sandoz P, Zeggari R, Froehly L, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Position referencing in optical microscopy thanks to sample holders with out-of-focus encoded patterns. J Microscopy 2007; 225: 293-303
• Mermet I, Guerrini JS, Cairey-Remonnay S, Drobacheff C, Faivre B, Gaillard M, Kantelip B, Prétet JL, Riethmuller D, Humbert P, Aubin F. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia associated with epidermo-dysplasia verruciformis HPV in a HIV-infected patient: a manifestation of immune restauration syndrome. Eur J Dermatol 2007; 17 : 149-152
• Clere N, Bermont L, Fauconnet S, Lascombe I, Saunier M, Vettoretti L, Plissonnier ML, Mougin C. The human papillomavirus type 18 E6 oncoprotein induces vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 121 transcription from the promoter through a p53-independent mechanism. Exp Cell Research 2007; 313: 3239-3250
• Briolat J, Dalstein V, Saunier M, Joseph K, Caudroy S, Prétet JL, Birembaut P, Clavel C. HPV prevalence, viral load and physical state of HPV-16 in cervical smears of patients with different grades of CIN. Int J Cancer 2007; 121: 2198-2204
• Monnier-Benoit S, Dalstein V, Lalaoui N, Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Dynamics of HPV16 DNA load reflect the natural history of cervical HPV-associated lesions. J Clin Virol 2006; 35: 270-277
• Charlot JF, Nicolier M, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Modulation of p53 transcriptional activity by PRIMA-1 and Pifithrin-alpha on staurosporine-induced apoptosis of wild-type and mutated p53 epithelial cells. Apoptosis 2006; 11: 813-827
• Monnier-Benoit S, Mauny F, Riethmuller D, Guerrini JS, Capilna M, Felix S, Seilles E, Mougin C, Prétet JL. Immunohistochemical analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell subsets in high risk human papillomavirus-associated pre-malignant and malignant lesions of the uterine cervix. Gynecol Oncol 2006; 102: 22-31
• Guerrini JS, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Aubin F. Human papillomavirus in melanoma. Br J Dermatol 2006; 164: 572
• Dalstein V, Riethmuller D, Sautiere Jl, Prétet JL, Kantelip B, Schaal JP, Mougin C. Detection of cervical precancer and cancer in a hospital population : benefits of HPV testing. Eur J Cancer 2004; 40 : 1225-1232
• Charlot JF, Prétet JL, Haughey C, Mougin C. Mitochondrial translocation of p53 and mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) dissipation are early events in staurosporine-induced apoptosis of wild type and mutated p53 epithelial cells. Apoptosis 2004; 9: 333-343
• Bard E, Riethmuller D, Meillet D, Prétet JL, Schaal JP, Mougin C, Seilles E. High-risk papillomavirus infection is associated with altered antibody responses in genital tract: Non-specific responses in HPV infection. Viral Immunol 2004; 17: 381-389
• Prétet JL, Dalstein V, Monnier-Benoit S, Delpeut S, Mougin C. High risk HPV load estimated by Hybrid Capture II® correlates with HPV16 load measured by real time PCR in cervical smears of HPV16-infected women. J Clin Virol 2004; 31: 140-147
• Humbey O, Cairey-Remonnay S, Guerrini JS, Algros MP, Mougin C, Bittard H, Aubin F. Detection of the human papillomavirus and analysis of the TP53 polymorphism of exon 4 at codon 72 in penile squamous cell carcinomas. Eur J Cancer 2003, 39: 684-690
• Bernard B, Prétet JL, Charlot JF, Mougin C. Human papillomaviruses type 16+ and 18+ cervical carcinoma cells are sensitive to staurosporine-mediated apoptosis. Biol Cell 2003, 95: 17-26
• Dalstein V, Riethmuller D, Prétet JL, Sautiere Jl, Carbillet JP, Kantelip B, Schaal JP, Mougin C. Persistence and load of high risk HPV are predictors for development of high grade cervical lesions. A longitudinal French cohort study. Int J Cancer 2003, 106: 396-403
• Drobacheff C, Dupont P, Mougin C, Bourezane Y, Challier, Fantoli M, Bettinger D, Laurent R. Anal human papillomavirus DNA screening by Hybrid Capture II in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients with or without anal intercourse. Eur J Dermatol 2003, 13: 367-371
• Bard E, Riethmuller D, Biichle S, Meillet D, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Seilles E. Validation of a high sensitive immunoenzymatic assay to establish the origin of immunoglobulins in female genital secretions. J Immunoassay Immunochem 2002; 23: 145-162
• Humbey O, Aubin F, Cairey Remonay S, Riethmuller D, Prétet JL, Fest T, Seilles E, Mougin C.TP53 polymorphism at exon 4 in Caucasian women from Eastern France : lack of correlation with HPV status and grade of cervical precancerous lesions. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2002; 103 : 60-64
• Cairey Remonnay S, Humbey O, Mougin C, Algros MP, Mauny F, Kanitakis J, Euvrard S, Laurent R, Aubin F. TP53 polymorphism of exon 4 at codon 72 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and benign epithelial lesions of renal transplant recipients and immunocompetent individuals: lack of correlation with HPV status. J Invest Dermatol 2002; 118: 1026-1031
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• Bernard B, Fest T, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Staurosporine-induced apoptosis of HPV positive and negative human cervical cancer cells from different points in the cell cycle. Cell Death Diff 2001; 8: 234-244
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• Baraquin A, Marty-Quinternet S, Selmani Z, Lepiller Q, Prétet JL. Des avancées dans la prévention des papillomavirus humains. Actualités Pharmaceutiques. 2021; supp608 : 13-15.
• Puget L, Marty-Quinternet S, Mougin C, Selmani Z, Lepiller Q, Prétet JL. Test HPV en pratique en 2021. Journal de Biologie Médicale, 2021, 10:100-104
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• Prétet JL, Selmani Z, Ramanah R, Lepiller Q. Quels tests HPV pour le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus ? Genesis. 2020; 204 : 28-30.
• Mougin C. Vaccination contre les papillomavirus. Des cancers évitables. Revue du praticien. 2020; 70 (1) : 89.
• Prétet JL, Selmani Z, Mougin C, Pépin-Puget L, Lepiller Q. Vaccination contre les papillomavirus. Suffisamment de preuves pour entrevoir une possible éradication du cancer du col utérin dans le futur. Revue du praticien. 2020; 70 (1) : 99-103.
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• Prétet JL, Perrard J, Soret C, Averous G, Vuitton L, Carcopino X, Badoual C, Guenat D, Aubin F, Mougin C, Ramanah R, Riethmuller D. [Infections à papillomavirus et lésions associées] EMC- Maladies infectieuses. 2019;0(0):1-15. doi:10.1016/S1166-8598(19)56480-8.
• Belglaiaa E, Mougin C. [Cervical cancer: Current situation and management in Morocco]. Bull Cancer. 2019; 106(11): 1008-1022. doi: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2019.08.020.
• Gonthier C, Desportes C, Prétet JL, Azaïs H, Uzan C, Mergui JL, Canlorbe G. [HPV testing in the screening and follow-up of patients with cervical high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019; 47(10): 747-752. doi: 10.1016/j.gofs.2019.09.004.
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• Goillot V, Paté M, Delaitre A, Akladios C, Baldauf JJ, Lecointre L. [Use of HPV virologic test for atypical glandular cells in Alsace between 2014 and 2016]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil Senol. 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.gofs.2019.07.005.
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• Bouscarat F, Pelletier F, Fouéré S, Janier M, Bertolloti A, Aubin F. [External genital warts (condylomata)]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2016; 143(11): 741-745.
• Bouvret P, Mougin C, Prétet JL, Meurisse A, Bonnetain F, Fiteni F. [Practices and attitudes regarding HPV vaccination among general practitioners from Besançon]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2016; 45: 972-978
• Guenat D, Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Morel A, Aubin F, Mougin C, Prétet JL. [Molecular diagnosis of human papillomaviruses (HPV): What test(s) in clinical practice?] J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2016; 45: 1009-1019
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2015 et années précédentes
• Lecointre L, Akladios CY, Averous G, Lefebvre F, Baulon E, Thoma V, Fender M, Baldauf JJ. [Reliability of endocervical curettage after conservative treatment of intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix.]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2015; 44: 145-153
• Baldauf JJ, Baulon E, Thoma V, Akladios CY. [Prevention of obstetrical complications following LEEP, is it possible?]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2014; 43: 19-25
• Baldauf JJ, Akladios CY, Fender M. [Vulnerable populations: how shall we improve cervical cancer screening?]. Rev Prat 2014; 64: 792-793
• Binder-Foucard F, Bossard N, Delafosse P, Belot A, Woronoff AS, Remontet L. [French network of cancer registries (Francim). Cancer incidence and mortality in France over the 1980-2012 period: solid tumors]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2014; 62: 95-108
• Lépinoy A, Lescut N, Lassabe C, Bosset JF, Servagi-Vernat S. [Glassy cell carcinoma: a rare cervical neoplasm. Case report of two patients and review of the literature]. Cancer Radiother 2014; 18: 211-214
• Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Carcopino X, Levêque J. [The follow up of the women vaccinated against HPV.]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2013; 42: 525-533
• Baldauf JJ, Baulon E, Thoma V, Woronoff AS, Akladios CY. [Obstetric outcomes following LOOP-excision]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2013; 42: 534-540
• Aubin F. [Vaccination against human papillomavirus]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2012; 139: 339-343
• Riethmuller D. [HPV vaccines: the current disorder and the absolute necessity of returning to basics]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2011; 40: 385-386
• Lavoué V, Bergeron C, Riethmuller D, Daraï E, Mergui JL, Baldauf JJ, Gondry J, Douvier S, Lopès P, De Reilhac P, Quéreux C, Letombe B, Marchetta J, Boulanger JC, Levêque J. [Cervical screening: toward a new paradigm ?]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2010; 39: 102-115
• Prétet JL, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. Actualités sur le génotypage HPV. RéfleXions en Gynécologie-Obstétrique 2010; 11: 5-8
• Mougin C, Prétet JL. Cancérogenèse du col de l’utérus et papillomavirus. Ref Gynecol Obstet 2010; 13 :283-298
• Riethmuller D. L’infection à papillomavirus humain : aspects gynécologiques. Médecine Thérapeutique Pédiatrie 2010; 13: 43-49
• Jacquard AC, Denis F, Prétet JL, Aubin F, Pradat P, Riethmuller D. Epidémiologie des génotypes de papillomavirus (HPV) dans les lésions anogénitales en France. Médecine Thérapeutique Pédiatrie 2010; 13: 80-83
• Riethmuller D, Brun JL. Le point sur le vaccin HPV. Médecine Thérapeutique Pédiatrie 2010; 13: 84-91
• Riethmuller D. [Vaccination against papillomavirus]. Rev Prat 2010; 60: 1359-1362
• Lavoué V, Bergeron C, Riethmuller D, Daraï E, Mergui JL, Baldauf JJ, Gondry J, Douvier S, Lopès P, de Reilhac P, Quéreux C, Letombe B, Marchetta J, Boulanger JC, Levêque J. [Cervical screening: toward a new paradigm?]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2010; 39: 102-115
• Riethmuller D, Levêque J. [Cervical cancer prevention in France: more Pap to screen more?]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2009; 38: 199-202
• Riethmuller D, Prétet JL, Denis F, Aubin F, Pradat P, Clavel C, Dachez R, Gondry J, Carcopino X, Mougin C. [Expected impact of a quadrivalent HPV vaccine in France]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2009; 38: 389-395
• Mougin C, Bourgault-Villada I, Coursaget P. [HPV immunization for the prevention of cervical cancer]. Presse Med 2009; 38: 1750-1768
• Riethmuller D, Prétet JL, Denis F, Aubin F, Pradat P, Clavel C, Dachez R, Gondry J, Carcopino X, Mougin C. [Expected impact of a quadrivalent HPV vaccine in France]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2009; 38: 389-395
• Riethmuller D. [Cervical cancer screening: restoration or reconstruction?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2009; 37: 671-679
• Alain S, Aubert M, Aumaitre H, Beytout J, Bloch K, Bouhour D, Callamand P, Caulin E, Chave C, Cheymol J, Denis F, Derrough T, Dodet B, Duclos A, Dunais B, Gagneur A, Gaillat J, Gillet Y, Gras-le-Guen C, Hanslik T, Hau-Rainsard I, Lorrot M, Malvy D, Marchou B, Minodier P, Mory O, Paccalin M, Parez N, Perpoint T, Picherot G, Pinquier D, Prétet JL, Regnier F, Roblot P, Rogeaux O, Sana C, Savagner C, Stephan JL, Strady C, Soubeyrand B, Weil-Olivier C. [Update in vaccinations ?]. Med Mal Infect 2009; 39: 212-224
• Jacquard AC, Denis F, Prétet JL, Aubin F, Pradat P, Riethmuller D. Distribution des génotypes de Papillomavirus humain (HPV) dans les lésions génitales en France : études EDiTH. Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire (BEH) 2009; 29: 313-317
• Mougin C, Nicolier M, Decrion-Barthod AZ. [HPV and cancers: oncogenesis mechanisms]. Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 2008; 405: 35-42
• Riethmuller D, Ramanah R, Prétet JL, Mougin C. [Integrating HPV testing for primary screening?]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2008; 37 Suppl 1: S1 39-51
• Riethmuller D, Gabelle C, Ramanah R, Sautière JL, Prétet JL, Schaal JP, Kantelip B, Mougin C, Maillet R. [Importance of human papillomavirus (HPV) screening in the follow-up after CIN2-3 treatment]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2008; 37: 329-337
• Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Riethmuller D. [Human papillomavirus infection]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2007; 134 : 94-99
• Aubin F, Guerrini JS. [Clinical and benign aspects of human papillomavirus-associated lesions]. Bull Acad Natl Med 2007; 191: 585-599
• Riethmuller D, Guerrini JS, Aubin F. [Intraepithelial lesions and neoplasia associated with human papillomavirus infection]. Bull Acad Natl Med 2007; 191: 601-609
• Prétet JL, Charlot JF, Mougin C. [Virological and carcinogenic aspects of HPV]. Bull Acad Natl Med 2007; 191: 611-623
• Nicolier M, Guerrini JS. Compte Rendu de Congrès: 4th International Meeting of the Cutaneous HPV Consortium and 3rd Meeting of the Cancéropôle Grand Est-DKFZ Heidelberg Joint Programme. Besançon (France), 27-30 Juin 2007; Bull Cancer 2007; 94: 1026-1028
• Riethmuller D. Conduite à tenir devant un test HPV positif. Réalités en Gynécologie Obstétrique 2007; 118: 1-5
• Brun JL, Riethmuller D. [Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination against human papillomavirus]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 2007; 36: 631-641
• Aubin F. Infections à papillomavirus: faut-il vacciner les hommes ? Concours Médical 2007; 129 : 16
• Riethmuller D. [Ano-genital papillomavirus infections in women]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1893-1900
• Aubin F, Drobacheff C. [Ano-genital papillomavirus infections in men]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1901-1903
• Aubin F, Laurent R. [Human papillomavirus-associated cutaneous lesions]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1905-1913
• Prétet JL, Alvarez E, Monnier-Benoit S, Touze A. [Vaccination against human papillomavirus infections]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1914-1918
• Riethmuller D, Mougin C. Place du test HPV. Perspectives : dépistage primaire combiné. Revue du Praticien Gynécologie Obstétrique 2006; 99: 31-32
• Aubin F. [Human papillomavirus infection. Screening treatment and vaccination]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1875-1876
• Mougin C, Mo L, Dalstein V. [Natural history of papillomavirus infections]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1883-1889
• Mougin C, Nicolier M, Mo L. [Mechanisms of papillomavirus-associated carcinogenesis]. Rev Prat 2006; 56: 1890-1892
• Mougin C, Dalstein V, Prétet JL. L’infection génitale à papillomavirus humains : histoire naturelle, épidémiologie et rôle dans la carcinogenèse du col utérin. Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique 2005 :106
• Pelletier F, Drobacheff-Thiebaut C, Aubin F, Venier Ag, Mougin C, Laurent R. [Effects of imiquimod on latent human papillomavirus anal infection in HIV-infected patients]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2004; 131 : 947-951
• Gay C, Jacquin H, Madoz L, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains et grossesse. Gynéco Prat 2004; 168 : 21
• Mougin C, Dalstein V. Epidémiologie, histoire naturelle et détection des infections à papillomavirus humains (HPV). BioTribune 2004; 9 : 16-18
• Riethmuller D. Intérêt de l’introduction à la nomenclature du test de détection des HPV. BioTribune 2004; 9 : 20-23
• Riethmuller D, Mougin C, Schaal JP. Place du typage viral dans le dépistage du cancer du col. Spectra Bio 2004; 23: 43-48
• Gay C, Terzibachian Jj, Gabelle C, Reviron S, Ramanah R, Mougin C. [Carbon dioxide laser vaporization of genital condyloma in pregnancy]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2003; 31: 214-219
• Aubin F, Humbey O, Guérrini Js, Mougin C, Laurent R. [Non-melanoma skin cancers and human papillomavirus]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2003; 130: 1131-1138
• Riethmuller D, Lebail Carval K, Dalstein V, Mougin C, Schaal JP. Place actuelle du typage viral dans le dépistage du cancer du col. Rev Prat 2002; 64 : 1-5
• Riethmuller D, Schaal JP, Mougin C. [Epidemiology and natural history of genital infection by human papillomavirus]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2002; 30 : 139-146
• Prétet JL, Mougin C. Les papillomavirus humains : des condylomes au cancer. Actualités Innovations Médecine octobre 2002; 83
• Derancourt C, Mougin C, Chopard Lallier M, Coumes-Marquet S, Drobacheff C, Laurent R. [Oncogenic human papillomaviruses in extra-genital Bowen disease revealed by in situ hybridization]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2001; 128: 715-718
• Mougin C, Prétet JL, Dalstein V. Papillomavirus humains et cancer du col de l’utérus. Place d’un test de biologie moléculaire dans le dépistage. Spectra Bio 2001; 20: 29-37
• Riethmuller D. Suivi des lésions intraépithéliales de haut grade. Gynéco Prat 2001; 133 : 16
• Aubin F, Humbey O, Humbert P, Laurent R, Mougin C. [Melanoma: role of ultraviolet radiation: from physiology to pathology]. Presse Med 2001; 30 : 546-551
• Mougin C, Dalstein V, Prétet JL, Gay C, Schaal JP, Riethmuller D. [Epidemiology of cervical papillomavirus infections. Recent knowledge]. Presse Med 2001; 30: 1017-1023
• Riethmuller D. [Physiopathology and epidemiology of HPV anogenital diseases]. Ann Dermatol Vénéréol 2000; 127: 3S5-3S9
• Riethmuller D, Seilles E. [Immunity of the female genital tract mucosa and mechanisms of papillomavirus evasion]. J Gynécol Obstet Biol Reprod 2000; 29 : 729-740
• Laurent R, Drobacheff C, Dupont P, Bettinger D, Bourezane Y, Challier B, Mougin C. Infections anales latentes à HPV-DNA chez des patients VIH positifs : intérêt du dépistage et d’un suivi prospectif. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2000; 127 : S23-S24
• Mougin C, Humbey O, Gay C, Riethmuller D. [Human papillomaviruses, cell cycle and cervical cancer]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 1999; 29: 13-20
• Berthier S, Mougin C, Vercherin P, Desmurs H, Gil H, De Waziere B, Dupond JL. [Does a particular risk associated with papillomavirus infections exist in women with lupus?] Rev Méd Int 1999; 20: 128-132
• Voltz JM, Drobacheff C, Derancourt C, Coumes Marquet S, Mougin C, Laurent R. [Papillomavirus-induced anogenital lesions in 121 HIV seropositive men. Clinical, histological, viral study, and evolution]. Ann Dermatol Vénéréol 1999; 126: 424-429
• Seilles E, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. [Biology of the papillomavirus infections: V. Vaccine developments]. Ann Biol Clin 1999; 57: 517-524
• Seilles E, Greslin I, Mougin C. [Biology of papillomavirus infections. IV. Sero-epidemiological data]. Ann Biol Clin 1999; 57: 393-400
• Greslin I, Mougin C, Seilles E. [The biology of papillomavirus infections. III. Immune response]. Ann Biol Clin 1998; 56: 267-276
• Mougin C, Bernard B, Lab M. [Biology of papillomavirus infections. II. Their role in the carcinogenesis of the cervix]. Ann Biol Clin 1998; 56: 21-28
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• Van Landuyt H, Mougin C, Drobacheff C, Bernard C, Merle C, Lab M, Laurent R. [Anogenital papillomavirus lesions in humans with or without HIV infection. Comparison of colposcopic, histopathological and virological results]. Ann Dermatol Vénéréol 1993; 120: 281-286
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• Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, 759 p, 89 planches.
Chapitres d’ouvrages
• Prétet JL, Perrard J, Soret C, Averous G, Vuitton L, Carcopino X, Badoual C, Guenat D, Aubin F, Mougin C, Ramanah R, Riethmuller D. [Infections à papillomavirus et lésions associées]; EMC – Maladies infectieuses. 2019;0(0):1-15. doi:10.1016/S1166-8598(19)56480-8.
• Fouéré S, Biver-Dalle C, Prétet JL, Mougin C, Aubin F. [Lésions cutanées et muqueuses associées aux papillomavirus humains]; EMC – Dermatologie. 2015;0(0):1-11. doi:10.1016/S0246-0319(15)57605-X.
• Riethmuller D, Mendel A, Ramanah R, Prétet JL, Mougin C. HPV et lésions glandulaires. In Hédon B, Deruelle P, Graesslin O. Mises à jour en Gynécologie Médicale. Diffusion Vigot – Paris. Eds : 2014, Pp 529-542
• Prétet JL, Guenat D, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. Critères de qualité d’un « bon » test HPV ? In Hédon B, Deruelle P, Graesslin O. Mises à jour en Gynécologie Médicale. Diffusion Vigot – Paris, 2014, Pp 529-542
• Prétet JL, Valmary-Degano S, Jacquin E, Riethmuller D, Mougin C. Biologie des cancers génitaux de la femme. In Carcopino X, Levêque J, Riethmuller. Cancers gynécologiques pelviens. Eds. : Elsevier Masson 2013, Pp 141-154
• Riethmuller D, Tholozan AS, Ramanah R. Dépistage et prévention des cancers gynécologiques. In Carcopino X, Levêque J, Riethmuller D. Cancers gynécologiques pelviens. Eds : Elsevier Masson 2013, Pp 101-121
• Bouscarat F, Pelletier F, Drobacheff-Thiebaut C, Aubin F. Condylomes ano-génitaux. In : Janier M. Les maladies sexuellement transmissibles. Ed. : Elsevier-Masson 2009, Pp 106-115
• Riethmuller D. Dépistage du cancer du col en France. Connaissances actuelles : Apport du test HPV. In : Monsonego J. Traité des infections et pathologies génitales à papillomavirus. Ed. Springer Verlag, Paris 2007, Pp 151-159
• Prétet JL, Saunier M, Mo LZ, Mougin C. Infections à HPV à bas risque et à haut risque, convergences et différences fondamentales. Biologie, l’essentiel pour le clinicien. In: Monsonego J. Traité des infections et pathologies génitales à papillomavirus. Ed. :Springer Verlag, Paris 2007, Pp 3-11
• Riethmuller D, Schaal JP, Mougin C. Faut-il modifier le dépistage primaire ? Place du test HPV. Ed. : CNGOF. VIGOT Paris 2005
• Mougin C, Dalstein V. Papillomavirus humains et carcinogenèse. In: F Trivin. Thesaurus de biologie Clinique. Ed : FM/BIO 2005, Pp 207-22
• Aubin F. Traitement des lésions cutanées à HPV par rétinoïdes. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 681-685
• Lorchel F, Fantoli M, Truc G, Maingon P, Bosset JF. HPV et lésions bénignes, précancéreuses et cancéreuses du canal anal. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 549-559
• Riethmuller D, Sautiere JL, Schaal JP. Traitement des néoplasies intraépithéliales du col utérin. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 627-633
• Cairey-Remonnay S, Laurent R, Aubin F. HPV et épidermodysplasie verruciforme. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 495-500
• Puzenat E, Humbert P, Laurent R, Aubin F. HPV et cancers cutanés. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 483-493
• Riethmuller D, Schaal JP. Lésions bénignes et précancéreuses du col de l’utérus. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 473-482
• Laurent R, Drobacheff C, Aubin F. Epidémiologie des infections à HPV chez les patients infectés par le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 371-385
• Dalstein V, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Histoire naturelle de l’infection cervicale à HPV muqueux. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 287-307
• Prétet JL, Bourgault-Villada I. Immunité cellulaire au cours des infections à HPV. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 171-186
• Seilles E. HPV et immunité muqueuse. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp155-170
• Aubin F, Humbey O, Guerrini JS, Prétet JL, Mougin C. HPV et ultraviolets. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 125-138
• Mougin C, Prétet JL. Structure et classification des papillomavirus. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 15-24
• Mougin C, Bernard C. Histoire de la découverte des lésions à papillomavirus. In : Aubin F, Prétet JL, Mougin C. Papillomavirus humains. Biologie et pathologie tumorale. Eds. : EM Inter,Tec et Doc, Paris, 2003, Pp 3-11
• Prétet JL, Mougin C, Aubin F. Rayonnement UV et papillomavirus humains. In : Aubin F, Humbert P. Rayonnement ultraviolet et peau. Ed. : John Libbey Eurotext, 2001 : Pp 110-115
• Riethmuller D, Gay C, Bertrand X, Arveux P, Bettinger D, Carbillet JP, LASSABE C, Seilles E, Schaal JP, Mougin C. Genital human papillomavirus infection among women recruited for routine cervical cancer screening or for colposcopy as determined by Hybrid CaptureTM II and a PCR-based method. In: Testa R, Jakob CA, Huguet JO. Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Monduzzi Editore SpA, Bologna, 1999, Pp 333-337
• Gay C, Terzibachian JJ, Arveux P, Andreoletti JB, Mougin C, Bettinger D, Madoz L, Knoepffler F. Management of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (in diagnosis, treatment and follow-up). Colposcopy or HPV DNA testing ? In : Testa R, Jakob CA, Huguet JO. Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. Monduzzi Editore SpA, Bologna, 1999, Pp 287-290
• Le Cann P, Leboulleux D, Bernard C, Calvet C, Legrand MC, Lesage G, Postec E, Mougin C, Afoutou J, Coursaget P. Detection of antibodies to L1, L2 and E4 gene products of human papillomavirus types 6, 11 and 16 among HPV infected patients and controls. In Stanley M : Immunology of human papillomavirus. Ed. : Plenum Press, New York, 1994, Pp 109-111